Terms of Using Our Preschool Products
Terms and Conditions of Using Our Preschool Products And Services on an Ongoing Basis
- All of the products developed by Our Preschool are based on solid research and evidence based practices. Thus, the desired results are achieved if the product usage process is followed with 100% adherence. Therefore customers should follow the instructions for using the products of Our Preschool.
- Along with the products, Our Preschool provides instructions/ techniques or processes either in the form of hard copies or in soft copies through its website or mobile application. Customers need to reach out to Our Preschool corporate office for such instructions/ techniques or processes
- Currently the following support is extended to Our Preschool customers
- Training on “Current skill evaluation of kids and setting the skill improvement plans”. This training is extended for building the trust with the potential parents. This also helps in converting the enquiry into admission by more than 80%.
- Training on Curriculum, syllabus, pedagogy and teaching schedule.
-Training on “ Use of Preschool Learning App” by Parents and allowing kids to gain all the skills those are accessible only to children in metro cities
- raining on “Administration of Preschool Learning app” as this programme allows the local partners to be the admin for the parents
- Training on “Teaching Schedule and Managing them innovatively”
- Training on “PRIME” teaching methodologyas the most impactful skill development for preschool children
- Training on “Monthly Skill Evaluation of children and corrective measures” and the process of documentation
- Training on “Certification process to ensure that the child is well equipped with skill for that class”
- After the training, the teacher/ counsellors can start counselling including awareness development programme for the parents to gain the respect for the school and also ensure high conversion rate for admission for the school. The counselling includes the “On spot skill evaluation and documentation” for the kid and also counsel on the skill improvement plans.
- Our Preschool follows the skill development programme as per the following age group and class.
- Play group Skill development Programme – Age group between 1.5 to 2.5/3 years
- Nursery preschool and Skill Development Programme- Age group between 2.5 to 4 years
- LKG preschool and Skill Development Programme- Age group between 3.5 to 5 years
- UKG preschool and Skill Development Programme- Age group between 4.5to 6 years
- Our Preschool insists the schools to follow the following for the best outcome in terms of skill development of kids. ALL THE SUPPORT TO ACHIEVE THESE PROCESS WOULD BE PROVIDED BY ADIUVARET KIDS.
- Check the initial skill of the child as per the above age group and class by using Our Preschool’s “Skill Evaluation of basic skills for Admission”
- Document the above skill Assessment for the future reference. Parents may share this to the doctors if they wish so (the skill evaluation is based on standard practices recommended by CDC and WHO)
- Start immediate missing skills as per the check list results (refer to the training and other techniques of skill building)
- Provide the Our Preschool’s Book Kit to the parents
- Facilitate parents in installing and understanding the use of the Our- Preschool Learning App
- Initiate the weekly teaching schedule as per the weekly teaching plans
- Ensure that the previous week’s teaching schedule is completed and also discuss the coming weeks teaching schedule among the team members of the school.
- Create appropriate games/plays/activities as per the guidelines given in PRIME teaching technique
- Ensure that the teaching schedule is appropriately documented in the “ Diary” of the child for the reference during the week and later
- Demonstrate the activities and the worksheets to the parents to get it done by the child
- Get the monthly evaluation done, as per the appropriate evaluation sheet provided to you.
- Organise once in a month the parent’s teacher meet (PTM) to discuss the monthly skill improvement plans and the achievements through proper documentation.
- Ensure that the skills those are lacked in the evaluation sheet, are immediately addressed within one week’s time
- Follow the final skill evaluation plans before certification
- Our Preschool would provide complete Admin Rights of managing Addy Preschool learning App to the school customers.
- Our Preschool will supply the book kits and the preschool learning app at a very reasonable price with a discount of up to 40% of the MRP of the kit. The % of discount depends on the quantum of kits being ordered
- The school must order at least 5 setsfor each class or a total of 20 sets comprising of any class in the beginning by signing of the contract. Our Preschool would start its training programme and other support after signing of the contract.
- The school may procure a set of books to evaluate the quality and content of the books, if the school wishes to do so. In this case Our Preschool may provide a set of evaluation copy of books at Rs.1300 for each set for Nursery, LKG and UKG classes and for Rs.900 per set for the play group class. The evaluation kit does not include other academic kits.
- The school may return the kits if they do not like the kit for use in their school. In such situation, Our Preschool will refund the amount within 7 days after receiving back the book kits from the school.
- Subsequently the school may place orders as per their needs and requirements Our Preschool would supply them in 10 working days after receiving the order.
- An advance payment for the book kit to be done before supplying of the book sets as per the requirement of the school.
- Our Preschool team would be available for the support and consultation to the school’s functioning and administration including quality improvement mechanism.
Our Preschool would be providing the research based teaching technique on a quarterly basis to the school and also conduct 4 training sessions (once in a quarter) for the teachers on new teaching and evaluation skills.
- Our Preschool would be providing new research based functional games on a quarterly basis to the school.
Our Preschool will charge Rs.10, 000 (Rupees Ten Thousand) per year towards its support in terms of training, handholding, consultation fee etc mentioned in para 14, 15 and 16. This is an optional service extended by Our Preschool, and the school may opt the support if the school wishes so.
- Our Preschool will also extend its support in designing and creating a quarterly THEMATIC online magazine for the school by keeping the academic and marketing aspirations of the school in mind. Our Preschool would charge additional Rs. 10,000 for the same. The magazine can also be printed if the school wishes to do so at its own printing expenses. It is also completely optional for the school to go with this support.
- Our Preschool would also help the schools in designing of Standee, Brochure and Flyer for the school. Our Preschool would charge Rs.750 per single page design. This is also purely optional for the school.
- Our Preschool would also help the schools in creating animated promotional and teaching videos for the school, if the school wishes to create any such video. Adiuvaret kids has the expertise in concept building and effective communication to support to the partner schools. Our Preschool would charge Rs.3500 per single minute animated video, if the school would like to opt and go ahead with this support.